

ACT Testing - early release


Date - 02/20/2019

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 The State of Wisconsin requires high schools to administer ACT testing to all juniors each spring. The ACT Plus Writing will be given on Wednesday, February 20th. With this being a special testing day, we will dismiss early at 12:30 pm. All students, freshmen through juniors, will be required to be in attendance. The juniors will be taking their ACT while the freshmen and sophomore students will be testing on practice ACT interims, getting them ready for the real ACT their junior year. Senior students should take the day to visit colleges, job-shadow or work on scholarships.

 We will resume a normal school day on Thursday, February 21st, with the exception of juniors, who need to complete part two of testing known as ACT Work Keys. Once they complete the Work Keys, they will return to class.


A few notes for ACT Testing:

- Your child is already registered for these exams

- Tests are completely free

- ACT is a national standardized test required by most colleges and     universities for admission

- ACT Work Keys is an exam which measures career readiness

- Accomodations have already been filed and approved for all Transition students



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