It’s easy to praise an athlete for their wins, but academic students are harder to see for their accomplishments because tests and achievements don’t happen on a field or court. The Honors Academy at Milwaukee Lutheran High School is a space where students can be recognized and welcomed by their peers. The Honors Academy had 25 students for the 2021-22 school year. Students need a 3.75 or higher grade point average to be in the Academy. During the Honors Academy classes, they discuss the best ways to search for colleges and apply for grants, scholarships, and financial aid. They also talk about current events and social topics. Students join the Honors Academy to focus on their goals and challenge their thinking by surrounding themselves with the top of the top in the school. An in-depth approach to application and financial aid is essential for many students because their family hasn’t gone through this process before. Several students are the first generation in their families to go to college
During their time in Honors Academy, each student must take several higher-level courses. Many students go above and beyond to challenge themselves. Ping Yang started his freshman year with a light course load because he wasn’t sure what he could handle. In his sophomore year, he was in the Honors Academy and joined the swim team. By senior year, he was a three-sport athlete while maintaining high academic requirements. Rahul Granston took six science courses even though MLHS only requires three to graduate because he wants to continue in the medical field for college as his future career.
“I accept everything as a challenge. If it’s hard, it doesn’t matter. I’ll just keep going and get the work done. But I don’t pressure myself to get the best grade; I just love the challenge.” Senior Isaiah Griffin struggled with academics in grade school but challenged himself to make the effort and turned around his grades. He is proud to have continued that today through the advanced education courses at MLHS in the Honors Academy program.
Senior Eniyah Bell is planning on entering the workforce after graduating to prepare for the veterinary field later. She said, “I joined as a sophomore to help with the college process, but also to be around more people with a similar intellectual level. Seeing their perspectives on worldviews is different than talking with someone on the street.”
The students are grateful to have a space of their own where their academic achievements shine, and they can have more open discussions during class. The Honors Academy had their end of the year banquet on May 14th, where the group got to celebrate their successes with their families. The Honors Academy was funded by Mr. William Raabe who is passionate about academic success at Milwaukee Lutheran.