Milwaukee Lutheran has some new faces in the classrooms, and they aren't just the freshmen! Here are just a few of the new teachers and staff of MLHS. You can get to know them here with this short Q&A.
Allison Tabaska – English
What is your educational/career background before Milwaukee Lutheran?
I am a proud graduate of Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. I got a degree in English and a minor in Psychology. I currently attend Marquette University to pursue my Master’s degree in Education Policy. I taught summer school at the Noble Network of Charter Schools Muchin campus the summer of 2014, and I taught 2014-2016 at HOPE Christian High School on Martin Luther King Drive.
What do you enjoy most about being at this school so far?
I love the intentional faith aspect of the school. I can just feel that it’s different here. I’ve been to Christian schools as both a student and as a teacher, and it’s different here. The faculty and staff are serious about their faith, and they look to and rely on Christ to do everything at this school. I cannot say enough about how much I love the gift of my study bible. I have been reading it every single day. The commentary is deep enough to push me but it’s absolutely approachable for someone who is not a bible scholar. I’ve gotten so much from it already.
I also love the students here. I’ve never taught sophomores before, and let me tell you, they are goofy. Not everyone gets to laugh for a living, and I really like that laughing is such a big part of my day everyday.
I especially love how we don’t have to post our mission statement on a wall for people to tell it’s our mission. Kids have appropriate freedom; the policies are made with students in mind. The clear goal of the school is to create a space for kids to be the best version of themselves. What a beautiful mission we have here.
What things are you looking forward to in your first school year here?
I’m excited for Homecoming week! I can’t wait to see pep rallies. I’ve had so much fun at football games; I can’t wait for basketball games. I’ve heard a lot about some chapels with raps and light shows—I’m excited to see how people can bring the word alive to students. I’m also excited to see how the culture of the school settles in.
What is your favorite Bible verse, and why?
Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
I feel so blessed to have a job that I love so much I honestly feel like I have become my job. God made me a teacher, and teaching fills me up in ways that assure me this is my life’s calling. However, some days are just tough. Sometimes I wonder why he didn’t make me someone who can roll with the punches better. This verse reminds me that our Lord is a living, breathing God who knows anxiety and fear and every emotion I have. I fell in love with this verse in high school when I learned about the holy of holies. Because of Jesus’ work on the cross, I don’t have to be a priest to encounter the living God. It allows me to feel like I can have a real conversation with God. I can with confidence approach the holy God (the same god of the holy of holies!) and request his grace to help me.
Rev. Ben Schimm - Theology
What is your educational/career background before Milwaukee Lutheran?
I am a product of the Lutheran Education system, and am quite grateful for the instruction and mentorship I received! I attended Concordia University, Ann Arbor, MI with a BA Secondary Education, Music Major, Literature Minor, and Lutheran Teacher Diploma, then Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, and earned a Master’s of Divinity. I taught high school at Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School in Evansville, IL in the subjects of Band and Choir, Literature, and Theology. I have been the pastor of St. John Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in Garfield, MN for the last four years, and have just moved to Milwaukee to teach Theology here at Milwaukee Lutheran High School.
What do you enjoy about this school so far?
I really enjoy the positive and friendly attitude of the student body, and the opportunity to have discussions in class.
What are you looking forward to in your first school year here?
I’m looking forward to continuing to study God’s Word together here in class, and in having a lot of discussions. I’m also looking forward to attending the students’ extra events, like music concerts, theatre productions, and sports events.
What is your favorite Bible verse, and why?
My favorite Bible verse – today – is Joshua 1:9 – “Be strong and courageous; do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” It is my confirmation verse, and has been a great comfort and reminder of God’s constant care through my life.
Megan Boerger – Math
What is your educational/career background before Milwaukee Lutheran?
I graduated from Concordia University - WI in 2010 with a Bachelor's in Math Education and minors in German and Theology. I taught 8th - 10th grade PreAlgebra, Algebra 1, and Geometry at the Lutheran School Association in Decatur, IL, for four years (2011 - 2015). I then taught 10th grade Geometry at Destiny High School in Milwaukee, WI, for one year (2015 - 2016). Finally, I arrived here at Milwaukee Lutheran for the current school year and my sixth year of teaching.
What do you enjoy most about being at this school so far?
I love the atmosphere. I can really feel God is working at this school. The administration and staff have been so welcoming and really have helped me feel like I am part of the team here. I also love my students! They have been fun to get to know and work with. They make me excited to come teach every day!
What things are you looking forward to in your first school year here?
I am looking forward to learning and becoming part of the traditions here at Milwaukee Lutheran. I hope to share God's love with my students and help them grow in their self-confidence and math abilities.
What is your favorite Bible verse, and why?
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9. I am a very type A personality and I like to do everything myself, so this verse really reminds that God has already taken care of my salvation. It helps me find peace when I know I mess up and gives me hope to keep striving to do God's will.
Jerad Luedtke – Assistant Athletic Director & Director of Youth Programs
What is your educational/career background before Milwaukee Lutheran?
I received both my undergraduate degree in Sports Management (2006) and Master’s degree in Sports Management (2011) from Cardinal Stritch University. After college, I worked for the United Community Center in Milwaukee for 8 years (2007-2015) serving as the athletic coordinator and then as Assistant Athletic Director.
What do you enjoy most about being at this school so far?
In the short time I have been at MLHS, I have enjoyed getting to know the kids and staff the most. The kids are great kids, and the staff is simply amazing! MLHS has a great family atmosphere and the staff and kids are all working together to make MLHS a great place to learn and grow!
What things are you looking forward to in your first school year here?
I am really looking forward to getting to know the kids at the school. Starting in the middle of last year, I wasn’t able to meet as many of the kids as I wanted too!
What is your favorite Bible verse, and why?
Proverbs 3: 5-6 "With all your heart, you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow."
This is my favorite verse for a few reasons. One, I am a believer in the phrase, “everything happens for a reason”, even though there are many times when we don’t know the “reason”. But God always knows the “reason”, doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle, and we need to understand that He knows what is best for us! Second, if you let God lead you, you are never going to end up somewhere you shouldn’t be. A lot of times we think we know what is best for us, but God is the only one that truly knows. He has a plan, trust his plan for you, let him lead you, and live life for him!