“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field”. (Luke 10:2)
Milwaukee Lutheran has a long history of preparing workers for the harvest field. As a way to continue this important part of our history, we are happy to announce the creation of our 4th academy: the Urban Education Academy at Milwaukee Lutheran High School. This program is the latest expansion of our Red Knight Institute, and joins the Career Academy, Honors Academy, and Art Academy.
The field of education has recognized the shortage of teachers. Our church body (The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod) has recognized the need for educators to replace those who will soon be retiring from the field. There is an especially high shortage of teachers of color, which is especially notable when considering the demographics of our country show that the majority of children in our schools are children of color. The demand for educators who are committed to serving in an urban environment is a particular need that warrants significant attention and support.
The Urban Education Academy at Milwaukee Lutheran will intentionally work with students who have the attributes of an effective educator and the interest to pursue this as a future career. During their junior and senior year, students will participate in experiences that help them determine if this is their calling and prepare them for the rigors of college studies to become an educator.