Earlier this school year, Linda Koebert, a 21-year veteran of Milwaukee Lutheran, was recognized as the LCMS South Wisconsin District Teacher of the Year. She has been an integral part of establishing and bolstering the Transition Program within Milwaukee Lutheran High School. Under her direction, the program has flourished and set itself apart from others. It has done so well, she has even consulted with other area schools to help them integrate and establish a program that sets special needs students up for reaching their greatest potential!
With her time spent studying at Concordia University Nebraska, Linda knew that special needs education was right in her wheel house. She felt lead by God to enter the field and make an impact through mentorship and relationships. With great leadership from her professors at CUNE, she knew this field was meant for her. A self proclaimed “Jack of all trades, master of none,” she feels right at home working one on one with students across many curriculums.
The Transition Program at MLHS has a strong focus on student integration. Special education students need to be included in standard classroom procedures and expectations with the understanding that these students need extra help. Linda says, “The program is not limited to the confines of traditional special needs programs so it broadens our reach of students. This opportunity has lead to our ability to offer support to students who don’t fully check a state-designated box but obviously need extra support.”
In order to make a program like this so impactful, it takes a team effort. There are five other teachers who touch the Transition Program on a daily basis. These five work closely with Linda in strategy, planning, and student support. Linda’s team offers just enough support for students to be successful but not so much they become dependent. Linda shares, “Supporting kids enough that they trust you, but not so much that they lose trust in themselves and the ability to do things on their own.” In turn, they are confident enough to go out and say “I can do this!”
Two members of her team had this to say about working with Linda and her recognition as SWD Teacher of the Year award:
“Running the MLHS transition program is a huge, multi-faceted job; all of which Linda coordinates brilliantly! During the 11 years I've worked with Linda, I've witnessed her great love for the students and her heart for the ministry that serves them. She has a great love for the students which is apparent in the strong relationships she builds with them. She understands their needs and how to best meet them. Her love for the Lord directs everything she does for the kids each day. MLHS is very blessed to call Linda one of their own.”
- Joanie Forke -
“Enough can't be said about Linda, she just cares for everyone at MLHS. She has helped me so much these last two years and challenges me to find the best way to both teach and connect with my students. Where Linda truly shines is how much she cares for the students, she does more than anyone could realize for her students. She invests her time and her heart for everyone she works with. She is a perfect example of what it means to be a servant leader.”
- Brian Dahlke -
The resounding message from Linda was “We are not here to lighten the load. Just support the weight, encourage success, and walk side by side with our students.” That is just what Christ does for us every single day. Every student’s support plan begins with their faith walk and their relationship with God. Above all other learning that could take place in our classrooms, this is most important. We are so blessed to have Linda leading our Transition Education Program here at MLHS.
Linda is so excited to share this award with the whole staff at MLHS as she credits her recognition to staff buy-in supporting her plans to integrate, support, and love on every student’s different learning styles. She says “this is something Milwaukee Lutheran needed and is so appreciative of Mr. Kirsch (Principal) for paying attention to all that is happening within the building and nominating her to receive this award.”