- School is still in session. The campus is closed. It is just being housed in a different space.
- DPI will recognize virtual learning hours that occur during a mandated school closure.
Class Materials
Students who have materials that they would like to pick up from school are to follow this schedule on Thursday, March 19 or Monday, March 23 for the times when they can come to campus.
- • A-C: 9-10 am
- • D-H: 10-11 am
- • I-M: 11-12 pm
- • N-R: 12-1 pm
- • S-Z: 1-2 pm
As gatherings of 10 or more individuals are banned, we will be regulating the number of people that enter the building at any one time from the parking lot. Please do not come to campus unless absolutely necessary.
As we will be utilizing Virtual Learning for the foreseeable future, student access to technology will be critical. Recognizing that some students may lack access, we will be making available a limited number of computers to loan to students. Please contact Mr. Bahr ( to inquire about receiving a device.
Class Structure
We will be utilizing an asynchronous learning environment where teachers create learning experiences for students to complete at convenient times. We recognize that this flexibility is needed as students may have other home obligations or may be sharing devices with siblings.
Class work will be posted twice a week for students in a “block-schedule” format. Odd period classes (1,3,5,7) will have assignments posted on Tuesday and Thursday. Even period classes (2,4,6,8) will have assignments posted on Wednesday and Friday. Mondays will be reserved for teachers to create content as well as for students to catch up on any work not completed. We believe that this schedule will allow students to focus more on fewer classes and create a less frantic and rushed learning environment for both students and faculty.
Assignments will be posted to Schoology by 8 am each day the class is held. Students should plan to be engaged in learning for approximately four hours a day.
• Student attendance will be based on online presence or check-in with teachers on assigned days.
• If students are too ill to complete assignments, they should email the MLHS attendance office.
• Teachers will record absences (students who are not completing work and are not communicating with the course instructor) in Skyward.
• Teachers who see a student not completing work in Schoology will notify the counselors for follow-up.
Due to this unfamiliar learning format for our students, the school will provide various supports for learning.
- Teacher Support o Please post an update on Schoology explaining to students how/when they can reach you and/or schedule a time with you during “Office Hours”.
- If a student needs academic assistance, they should email their teacher. All emails are available on the Milwaukee Lutheran website. Teachers must check email at least twice a day and respond to all questions within 24 hours.
- Teachers should have “office hours” for at least 3 hours daily. This is a time to provide support, answer questions, or clarify confusion. Teachers can utilize Microsoft Teams to do live chats with individual/groups of students.
- Counselor Support o Counselors will be available at least 4 hours daily during “office hours”. They will provide services, primarily in a one-to-one format to students who are having IT or other learning difficulties. They will work with administration to communicate with families about attendance/participation concerns and support students in staying on track.
- Students who have emotional or mental concerns should contact their counselor for assistance or resources.
- Tech Support o Spectrum is offering free wifi for households without access – Call 1-844-488-8395
- Contact your counselor (not your teacher) if you are having Schoology access issues or other technology problems.
We will be offering a live chapel experience at least once a week. We encourage students to join during that time or access archived chapels afterward. Further details on chapel will be coming soon.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7)