

Welcome! To become a Red Knight you need both Academic Acceptance and a Choice Seat or Tuition Plan.  

 The admission process is established to determine whether enrollment at Milwaukee Lutheran is a good fit for the student and for the school. Milwaukee Lutheran accepts and reviews applications from any students who have met the school’s criteria for enrollment. If circumstances exist that would significantly prevent the student from being successful at Milwaukee Lutheran, academic acceptance may be denied. 
Click here to print our Admissions Checklist.


Complete all 5 steps below for your child to attend Milwaukee Lutheran High School (in-person).

  • 1. Applications are Open for the 2025 - 2026 school year! 
  • 2. Placement Exam - A placement exam is required for admissions to MLHS. Students will register to take the placement exam during the online application from Step 1. 
  • 3. Next Steps Letter - Upon review of your placement exam, you will receive your test results and a Next Steps Letter

  • 4. Financial Plan - Scroll down to see your options.
  • 5. Academic Advising - We will contact you to sign up with Academic Advising to select classes AFTER Academic Acceptance AND a Choice Seat or Tuition Plan are verified.


Apply for a Choice Seat OR set up a Tuition Payment Plan:


Choice Options:
APPLY EARLY. When CHOICE seats are filled, a wait-list will be started.

  • Apply Online for a MPCP Seat:
    • February 1-20 (preferred date)
    • April 1-20
    • June 1-20
    • August 1-20
    • September 1-13 (for current school year)

Tuition Options:



 How to Schedule A Shadow Visit:  All Shadow Visitors must apply to MLHS before they can Schedule a Shadow Visit.  After they’ve applied, they will be able to schedule their Shadow Visit through their personalized admissions checklist when they log back into the application site.  If you have any further shadow visit questions, please contact our Shadow Coordinator, Mr. Darnell Bennett.


Print the ADMISSION CHECKLIST to help you complete the entire process.


Please note, Milwaukee Lutheran reserves the right to rescind acceptance if 8th grade is not successfully completed or if there are indications of inappropriate student behavior.