Milwaukee Lutheran High School participates in the State of Wisconsin tuition assistance programs called Private School Choice Programs. These programs allow families meeting household income requirements to attend Milwaukee Lutheran High School for free or significantly reduced tuition. Interested families must complete an online application through the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and verify their current income level and residency.  

Every student must reapply for Choice every year!

Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP):
The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) offers renewable assistance for Milwaukee residents through the State of Wisconsin. To qualify for this program, you must live in the City of Milwaukee and meet these income requirements:  2025-2026 Income Limits
This is a highly competitive program. When the choice seats are filled, a waitlist will be started. APPLY EARLY!
Apply Online for an MPCP Seat
  • February 3-20 (Preferred Apply Date)
  • April 1-21
  • June 1-20
  • August 1-20
  • September 1-15 (for current school year)


Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP):

The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) assists students living outside the cities of Milwaukee or Racine. To qualify for this program, you must live outside the cities of Milwaukee and Racine, and you must meet these income requirements:  2025-2026 Income Limits.

Apply Online for a WPCP Seat

  • February 3 - April 17
Important to Remember:

FAQ: What school district should I put down?
If you are on the first page of the application, please select the school district you currently live in. They ask this question to help verify where you live and which state program you should apply for.

You will need to provide the following documentation to Milwaukee Lutheran before the close of that open enrollment period via fax (414-461-2733) or scanned and send to the Choice Department

  • RESIDENCY DOCUMENTATION – Current (dated within 3 months of application date) water, gas, electric, cable, satellite, landline phone bill, paystub, W-2, or government correspondence. Documentation of address and applicant name must match EXACTLY to that given on the online application.
  • INCOME DOCUMENTATION - Some families must also submit income documents, which must be submitted before the deadline.  DPI will list those required documents in the confirmation email you receive from them.

You will receive an email from us after the close of each open enrollment period stating whether you have received a seat, have a spot on the waitlist, or have been denied a seat, along with the reason for that denial. 

For the quickest response on any Choice questions after you have visited the Choice website, please contact the Choice Department


Wisconsin Special Needs Scholarship (SNSP):

Students with a current or recent IEP from a Public or Charter school may qualify for funding through SNSP. Paper applications are available for each school year from July 1 to June 30 and are submitted to our SNSP administrator, Mrs. Linda Koebert

New and Transfer SNSP applications for this program for the 24-25 school year begin July 1, 2024. Applicants for the next school year will need an IEP dated no earlier than September 15. Information regarding the SNSP program can be found here.

If you have questions regarding the SNSP program and/or the Milwaukee Lutheran Transition program, please contact Linda Koebert.

Apply for a Choice Seat 

(Only apply during an enrollment period.   Look under "Income Information" to make sure you qualify.)


Guidelines for Parents on the Choice Application

Ms. Abbie Amling, Director of Admissions
414.461.6000 ext. 280
Laura Sufferling, Choice and Admissions Coordinator
414.461.6000 x281

Please direct any questions for enrolling students for the Choice program.  

Contact Us

Mrs. Linda Koebert, Transitional Education, SNSP Administrator
414.461.6000 ext 241