


It is the desire of the Milwaukee Lutheran academic advising department that the high school experience is a positive one. To assist in that success, our counselors work closely with students and parents to help develop positive academic, social, and spiritual growth throughout the high school years.

We offer academic counseling (including course registration), monitoring & assistance, parent and student resources, career advisement, standardized testing and analysis, college application and financial aid assistance and help with social and personal issues.

As we work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for your student, please consider utilizing the following resources. Keep in touch with your counselor and teachers, and always let us know how we can help! 


Selecting a career path is a difficult decision. It is one of the first major decisions that an individual faces during the transition into adulthood. No matter what direction we choose, God promises to be there for us and to use us for His glory.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.Isaiah 41:10

As you deliberate a possible future career, consider your interests, strengths and personal preferences, and utilize the resources below.


To order your transcript, please fill out the form linked below.

Alternatively, you can mail a request to Milwaukee Lutheran High School. Please include the following:

  • Your name as it was when you were a student
  • The year you graduated
  • Where you would like the transcript sent
  • Your signature

*Please note! Transcripts will be mailed within a week of receiving the request.

Request Transcript
Mr. Josh Atkinson, Freshmen Dean
Mrs. Emily Gouin, Associate Dean of Freshmen and Registrar
Mr. Evan Janousky, Sophomore Dean
414.461.6000 x212
Mr. Dante Gutter, Junior Dean
414.461.6000 x213
Mrs. Kim Wimmer, Senior Dean
Mr. Chip Wylie, School Counselor
414.461.6000 x223