


Transition Special Education Program

Transition Special Education Program provides educational interventions and services for students who have previously received similar services through Journey’s Lutheran School (formerly Lutheran Special School), a parochial resource room, or a public school Individual Education Plan (IEP).  The program assists, as available, students with a diagnosed disability or impairment affecting his or her ability to function independently within the school environment.

We offer a spectrum of services which include a modified core curriculum, resource study hall, reasonable classroom accommodations, and post-secondary planning. Students receive support and instruction that promotes self-advocacy, problem-solving, the development of compensatory skills, and classroom success. Students wishing to enroll in the Transition Special Education Program must provide current and past assessments indicating evidence of a disability or impairment and a review of all educational records. A family interview with program staff may also be required. Admission to the program is limited.

These services may include:

    • Supported study hall/tutoring
    • Specific study strategy instruction
    • Self-contained/alternative coursework
    • Classroom & testing accommodations or modifications
    • Counseling and career investigation  
Program Philosophy

The Transition Department at Milwaukee Lutheran High School is committed to providing Christ-centered, individualized academic and spiritual support to students with mild to moderate disabilities. Our goal is to enable each student to utilize their potential so that they may grow academically, spiritually, and emotionally, successfully transitioning through high school to adulthood as well-adjusted, productive members of their faith community and society as a whole.

Our teachers and staff embrace an inclusive philosophy, which means that every effort is made to include students with disabilities in every aspect of our MLHS curriculum and activities. Operating under this philosophy, we strive to provide a continuum of services through various methods, strategies, and community resources to meet students' individual needs so that they can grow in their faith and achieve academic success.  


Click here for the Course Offerings


Title 1 Services

We are proud to offer Title 1 services at Milwaukee Lutheran for students whose records qualify them.   For freshmen, we offer reading, math, and counseling support.  Older students who continue to need academic support and counseling can be placed in a Title 1 academic skills class.  Please reach out if you would like more information about the Title 1 services.

Mrs. Linda Koebert, Transition Special Education Program Chair and Academic Advisor
414.461.6000 ext 241